Pro Bono Brand Ambassador

Be Our Hony Pro Bono

Brand Ambassador

Responsibilities of a Pro Bono Brand Ambassador:

*She has a Significant Social Media Presence and at least a medium-size network.

*She should represent the Brand Positively at distinct places.
*Help in the Creation of Content like Product Reviews and Brochures.

*She must help in Organizing Online Events and Promotions.
Creation of Brand Awareness through Word of Mouth.

*Apart from that, She should understand everything that a Brand Stands for.

+91 9977513452
Send us Your following Info on WhatsApp 
Dept : Hony Brand Ambassador  
1. Full Name-----------------
2. Date of Birth----------------
3. City -------------------
4. Gender --------------  [Female candidates only]
5. Age --------------
6. Univ / Ins  --------------------
7. Education :
8. WhatsApp :
9. Linkedin :
[Must have Min 100+ Connections]
10 Email :
11 Social Media Links : [Must ]
Facebook :
Linkedin :
Insta :
Twitter :
Plz Contact
To apply for this Position Join following WA Group

Apply Soon!!  


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