Vision Intelligence Table of Contents
-Vision Intelligence Table of Contents
[ For eBook and Paper book]
1 - Computer Vision Issues
1.1 - Achieving simple Vision Goals
1.2 - High-level and low-level capabilities
1.3 - A Range of representations
1.4 - Role of Computers in Vision Intelligence
1.5 - Computer Vision research and applications
2 - Image Formation
2.1 - Images
2.2 - Image Model
2.2.1 - Image Functions
2.2.2 - Imaging Geometry
2.2.3 - Reflectance
2.2.4 - Spatial Properties
2.2.5 - Color
2.2.6 - Digital Images
2.3 - Imaging Devices for Computer Vision
2.3.1 - Photographic Imaging
2.3.2 - Sensing Range
2.3.3 - Reconstruction Imaging
3 - Early Processing
3.1 - Recovering Intrinsic Structure
3.2 - Filtering the Image
3.2.1 - Template Matching
3.2.2 - Histogram Transformations
3.2.3 - Background Subtraction
3.2.4 - Filtering and Reflectance Models
3.3 - Finding Local Edges
3.3.1 - Types of Edge Operators
3.3.2 - Edge Thresholding Strategies
3.3.3 - Three-Dimensional Edge Operators
3.3.4 - How Good Are Edge Operators?
3.3.5 - Edge Relaxation
3.4 - Range Information from Geometry
3.4.1 - Stereo Vision and Triangulation
3.4.2 - A Relaxation Algorithm for Stereo
3.5 - Surface Orientation from Reflectance Models
3.5.1 - Reflectivity Functions
3.5.2 - Surface Gradient
3.5.3 - Photometric Stereo
3.5.4 - Shape from Shading by Relaxation
3.6 - Optical Flow in Vision Intelligence
3.6.1 - The Fundamental Flow Constraint
3.6.2 - Calculating Optical Flow by Relaxation
3.7 - Resolution Pyramids
3.7.1 - Gray-Level Consolidation
3.7.2 - Pyramidal Structures in Correlation
3.7.3 - Pyramidal Structures in Edge Detection
4 - Boundary Detection
4.1 - On Associating Edge Elements
4.2 - Searching Near an Approximate Location
4.2.1 - Adjusting A Priori Boundaries
4.2.2 - Non-Linear Correlation in Edge Space
4.2.3 - Divide-and-Conquer Boundary Detection
4.3 - The Hough Method for Curve Detection
4.3.1 - Use of the Gradient
4.3.2 - Some Examples
4.3.3 - Trading Off Work in Parameter Space for Work in Image Space
4.3.4 - Generalizing the Hough Transform
4.4 - Edge Following as Graph Searching
4.4.1 - Good Evaluation Functions
4.4.2 - Finding All the Boundaries
4.4.3 - Alteratives to the A Algorithm
4.5 - Edge Following as Dynamic Programming
4.5.1 - Dynamic Programming
4.5.2 - Dynamic Programming for Images
4.5.3 - Lower Resolution Evaluation Functions
4.5.4 - Theoretical Questions about Dynamic Programming
4.6 - Contour Following
4.6.1 - Extension to Gray-Level Images
4.6.2 - Generalization to Higher-Dimensional Image Data
5 - Region Growing
5.1 - Regions
5.2 - A Local Technique: Blob Coloring
5.3 - Global Techniques: Region Growing via Thresholding
5.3.1 - Thresholding in Multidimensional Space
5.3.2 - Hierarchical Refinement
5.4 - Splitting and Merging
5.4.1 - State-Space Approach to Region Growing
5.4.2 - Low-Level Boundary Data Structures
5.4.3 - Graph-Oriented Region Structures
5.5 - Incorporation of Semantics
6 - Texture in Vision Intelligence
6.1 - Vision Intelligence Texture?
6.2 - Texture Primitives
6.3 - Structural Models of Texel Placement
6.3.1 - Grammatical Models
6.3.2 - Shape Grammars
6.3.3 - Tree Grammars
6.3.4 - Array Grammars
6.4 - Texture as a Pattern Recognition Problem
6.4.1 - Texture Energy
6.4.2 - Spatial Gray-Level Dependence
6.4.3 - Region Texels
6.5 - The Texture Gradient
7 - Vision Intelligence Motion
7.1 - Motion Understanding
7.1.1 - Domain-Independent Understanding
7.1.2 - Domain-Dependent Understanding
7.2 - Understanding Optical Flow
7.2.1 - Focus of Expansion
7.2.2 - Adjacency, Depth, and Collision
7.2.3 - Surface Orientation and Edge Detection
7.2.4 - Egomotion
7.3 - Understanding Image Sequences
7.3.1 - Calculating Flow from Discrete Images
7.3.2 - Rigid Bodies from Motion
7.3.3 - Interpretation of Moving Light Displays - A Domain-Independent Approach
7.3.4 - Human Motion Understanding - A Model-Directed Approach
7.3.5 - Segmented Images
8 - Representation of Two-Dimensional Geometric Structures
8.1 - Two-Dimensional Geometric Structures
8.2 - Boundary Representations
8.2.1 - Polylines
8.2.2 - Chain Codes
8.2.3 - The Ψ-s Curve
8.2.4 - Fourier Descriptors
8.2.5 - Conic Sections
8.2.6 - B-Splines
8.2.7 - Strip Trees
8.3 - Region Representations
8.3.1 - Spatial Occupancy Array
8.3.2 - y Axis
8.3.3 - Quad Trees
8.3.4 - Medial Axis Transform
8.3.5 - Decomposing Complex Areas
8.4 - Simple Shape Properties
8.4.1 - Area
8.4.2 - Eccentricity
8.4.3 - Euler Number
8.4.4 - Compactness
8.4.5 - Slope Density Function
8.4.6 - Signatures
8.4.7 - Concavity Trees
8.4.8 - Shape Numbers
9 - Representations of Three-Dimensional Structures
9.1 - Solids and their Representation
9.2 - Surface Representations
9.2.1 - Surface with Faces
9.2.2 - Surfaces Based on Splines
9.2.3 - Surfaces That Are Functions on the Sphere
9.3 - Generalized Cylinder Representations
9.3.1 - Generalized Cylinder Coordinate Systems and Properties
9.3.2 - Extracting Generalized Cylinders
9.3.3 - A Discrete Volumetric Version of the Skeleton
9.4 - Volumetric Representations
9.4.1 - Spatial Occupancy
9.4.2 - Cell Decomposition
9.4.3 - Constructive Solid Geometry
9.4.4 - Algorithms for Solid Representations
9.5 - Understanding Line Drawings
9.5.1 - Matching Line Drawings to Three-Dimensional Primitives
9.5.2 - Grouping Regions Into Bodies
9.5.3 - Labeling Lines
9.5.4 - Reasoning About Planes
10 - Knowledge Representation and Use
10.1 - Representations
10.1.1 - The Knowledge Base - Models and Processes
10.1.2 - Analogical and Propositional Representations
10.1.3 - Procedural Knowledge
10.1.4 - Computer Implementations
10.2 - Semantic Nets
10.2.1 - Semantic Net Basics
10.2.2 - Semantic Nets for Inference
10.3 - Semantic Net Examples
10.3.1 - Frame Implementations
10.3.2 - Location Networks
10.4 - Control Issues in Complex Vision Systems
10.4.1 - Parallel and Serial Computation
10.4.2 - Hierarchical and Heterarchical Control
10.4.3 - Belief Maintenance and Goal Achievement
11 - Matching
11.1 - Aspects of Matching
11.1.1 - Interpretation: Construction, Matching, and Labeling
11.1.2 - Matching Iconic, Geometric, and Relational Structures
11.2 - Graph-Theoretical Algorithms
11.2.1 - The Algorithms
11.2.2 - Complexity
11.3 - Implementing Graph-Theoretical Algorithms
11.3.1 - Matching Metrics
11.3.2 - Backtrack Search
11.3.3 - Association Graph Techniques
11.4 - Matching in Practice
11.4.1 - Decision Trees
11.4.2 - Decision Tree and Subgraph Isomorphism
11.4.3 - Informal Feature Classification
11.4.4 - A Complex Matcher
12 - Inference
12.1 - First Order Predicate Calculus
12.1.1 - Clause-Form Syntax (Informal)
12.1.2 - Nonclausal Syntax and Logic Semantics (Informal)
12.1.3 - Converting Nonclausal Form to Clauses
12.1.4 - Theorem Proving
12.1.5 - Predicate Calculus and Semantic Networks
12.1.6 - Predicate Calculus and Knowledge Representation
12.2 - Computer Reasoning
12.3 - Production Systems
12.3.1 - Production System Details
12.3.2 - Pattern Matching
12.3.3 - An Example
12.3.4 - Production System Pros and Cons
12.4 - Scene Labeling and Constraint Relaxation
12.4.1 - Consistent and Optimal Labelings
12.4.2 - Discrete Labeling Algorithms
12.4.3 - A Linear Relaxation Operator and a Line-Labeling Example
12.4.4 - A Nonlinear Operator
12.4.5 - Relaxation as Linear Programming (pg 13)
12.5 - Active Knowledge
12.5.1 - Hypotheses
12.5.2 - HOW-TO and SO-WHAT Processes
12.5.3 - Control Primitives
12.5.4 - Aspects of Active Knowledge
13 - Goal Achievement
13.1 - Symbolic Planning
13.1.1 - Representing the World
13.1.2 - Representing Actions
13.1.3 - Stacking Blocks
13.1.4 - The Frame Problem
13.2 - Planning with Costs
13.2.1 - Planning, Scoring, and Their Interaction
13.2.2 - Scoring Simple Plans
13.2.3 - Scoring Enhanced Plans
13.2.4 - Practical Simplifications
13.2.5 - A Vision System Based on Planning
Additional Topics [If Needed ]
A1 - Mathematical Tools
A1.1 - Coordinate Systems
A1.1.1 - Cartesian
A1.1.2 - Polar and Polar Space
A1.1.3 - Spherical and Cylindrical
A1.1.4 - Homogeneous Coordinates
A1.2 - Trigonometry
A1.2.1 - Plane Trigonometry
A1.2.2 - Spherical Trigonometry
A1.3 - Vectors
A1.4 - Matrices
A1.5 - Lines
A1.5.1 - Two Points
A1.5.2 - Point and Direction
A1.5.3 - Slope and Intercept
A1.5.4 - Ratios
A1.5.5 - Normal and Distance from Origin (Line Equation)
A1.5.6 - Parametric
A1.6 - Planes
A1.7 - Geometric Transformations
A1.7.1 - Rotation
A1.7.2 - Scaling
A1.7.3 - Skewing
A1.7.4 - Translation
A1.7.5 - Perspective
A1.7.6 - Transforming Lines and Planes
A1.7.7 - Summary
A1.8 - Camera Calibration and Inverse Perspective
A1.8.1 - Camera Calibration
A1.8.2 - Inverse Perspective
A1.9 - Least-Squared-Error Fitting
A1.9.1 - Pseudo-Inverse Method
A1.9.2 - Principal Axis Method
A1.9.3 - Fitting Curves by the Pseudo-Inverse Method
A1.10 - Conics
A1.11 - Interpolation
A1.11.1 - One-Dimensional
A1.11.2 - Two-Dimensional
A1.12 - The Fast Fourier Transform
A1.13 - The Icosahedron
A1.14 - Root Finding
A2 - Advanced Control Mechanisms
A2.1 - Standard Control Structures
A2.1.1 - Recursion
A2.1.2 - Co-Routining
A2.2 - Inherently Sequential Mechanisms
A2.2.1 - Automatic Backtracking
A2.2.2 - Context Switching
A2.3 - Sequential or Parallel Mechanisms
A2.3.1 - Modules and Messages
A2.3.2 - Priority Job Queue
A2.3.3 - Pattern-Directed Invocation
A2.3.4 - Systems
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