Top problems asked in Google Interviews

 Top Problems asked in Google Interviews  

If you are preparing for Google's SDE interviews, these are some top LeetCode questions asked in the Interviews ❤️

Most common Google Coding Interview Questions

  • Sum of two values. ​ Problem Statement.  
  • Kth largest element in a stream. ​  
  • Mirror binary trees. ​ ...
  • Check if two binary trees are identical. ​ 
  • Delete node with given key. ​  
  • Copy linked list with arbitrary pointer. ​ 
  • String segmentation.  
  • Find all palindrome substrings. ​

➡️ Median of Two Sorted Arrays (35 times):

➡️ Regular Expression Matching (29 times):

➡️ Letter Combinations of a Phone Number (33 times):

➡️ Clone Graph (34 times):

➡️ Fraction to Recurring Decimal (29 times):

➡️ The Skyline Problem (37 times):

➡️ Basic Calculator (36 times):

➡️ Summary Ranges (42 times):

➡️ H-Index (44 times):

➡️ Perfect Squares (33 times):

➡️ Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters (39 times):

➡️ Trapping Rain Water (35 times):

➡️ Find the Duplicate Number (39 times):

➡️ Merge Sorted Array (29 times):

➡️ Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock (32 times):

➡️ Clone list with random pointer (30 times):

➡️ Reverse a Linked list (44 times):

➡️ Maximum Length of a Concatenated String with Unique Characters (31 times):

➡️ Queue Reconstruction by Height (40 times):

➡️ Island Perimeter (28 times):

➡️ Heaters (39 times):

➡️ Sliding Window Median (42 times):

➡️ Magical String (47 times):

➡️ License Key Formatting (35 times):

➡️ Smallest Good Base (34 times):

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