Consistency is the key to Self Improvement

Consistency is the key to Self Improvement

You may have made many Goals before for achieving something or improving something.. but You can say I was not able to complete 5 out of 10 goals just because of Your Inconsistency.. 

So First be Consistent

Read and  Write Good Books

Yes if you are not a reader or you don’t like reading than you can start with some Fictional or Motivational Books or any other Book according to your interest (Sports, Hobby, Romantic, Adventurous, Mythological etc) first develop a habit of reading than start reading other Book which is good for Self Improvement.

Have a Good Sleep

Sleeping is very important for a better self.. good sleep is good for everything… Body, Mind, Skin for everything.. try to sleep early.


people who don’t medidate have no idea how much it makes our mind calmer.. so start meditating

Self Grooming

Bath daily, brush your teeth two times, take care of your skin, drink water, wear neat and ironed clothes, take care pf your nails, keep your hair im good way, do workout. These are some basic things which changes a person completely .


whatever is your goal just focus on that without any doubt.. doubt is the biggest barrier for achieving something.. just believe in your self.


Start believing in God if you don’t believe in god than start believing in Universe.. and if you don’t believe in these things than start believing in YOU.. just believe. 

Believe is the key for everything

Manbir Kaur [Aero Engineer] 


AirCrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd.

+91 8851365156


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