Smart Tech Savvy Fresh Content Writers / Bloggers

We are looking for very Smart Tech Savvy Fresh Content Writers /  Bloggers
Topics : 
DeMonetization, Global Recession on Startups, Entrepreneurs,  Social Media, Growth Hacks, Marketing, Money, Technology, Self Improvement, Advertising & anything to do with a 
Wantrepreneur / Entrepreneur.

- Length: 300-500  words / Article 
- Number: Min 4 - 5 articles a month 
- Total number of authors : 50
- Fee: 0.20 p per word
- Payment Terms: Monthly
- Only Female freshers candidates

The content must be unique, creative, collaborative, knowledge oriented, engaging, helpful and influencing. The content must have impressive para headline/taglines etc.
Interested, please share the work you have done in past. One humble request - Please DM the details.
whatsApp no. 7566822858   


डिजिटल इण्डिया का पहला कदम अपने android मोबाईल का उपयोग अब घर बैठे online work करके Rs.15000 - 50000 कमाना चाहते है तो आइये DIGITAL INDIA से जुड़िये Zero investment JOIN होने के लिए आप अपने फ़ोन के play store में Champcash लिखो और उस app को अपने मोबाइल में install कर लो अब app पर click करो और sign up पर click करके अपनी डिटेल्स भर दो Refer id of sponsor पूछेगा वहाँ पर 231550 डाल दो complete challenge aur apna id activate karke business se jud jao More information wts app me 
+91 7987639870


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